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Pengaturan Umum Woocommerce

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Pengaturan Umum Woocommerce

Pada pengaturan umum, Anda dapat melakukan konfigurasi alamat toko atau alamat pengiriman, target market, dan mata uang yang digunakan.

  • Address Line 1: Fill in the store or shipping address
  • Address Line 2: Leave this option blank
  • City: Enter the city or district
  • Country / State: Enter the province
  • woo-setting-store-address
  • Selling location: Select Sell to specific countries to sell only in specific countries
  • Sell to specific countries: Choose Indonesia as the target market
  • Shipping location: Select Ship to all countries you sell to
  • Enable coupons: Check this option to activate the coupon code feature

  • Pada bagian General Options, Anda dapat menentukan lokasi target market penjualan dan pengiriman produk Anda. Pada dasarnya Anda dapat menjual ke semua negara atau hanya ke beberapa negara saja.

  • Currency: Select Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
  • Number of decimals: Set to 0
  • Click Save changes
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